Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 5 Rolling with the punches.....

Missed class this morning :(  Really really bummed about it!  And once I realized I forgot to set my alarm I also realized I forgot to blog last night. . . . . . just wasn't my day yesterday at all. It was enough to almost make me cry but I hate crying so I sucked it up and went and got some coffee and pet a really really cute puppy pretty much turned my frown upside down. So typically I would just go to the 8:15 class since I missed this morning, however on friday's the last class is at 6:30 right when I'm getting off work.  So gonna check out a couple other yoga places hopefully I can find a class to drop in at. 
So since I forgot to post yesterday I'll fill you in on that wonderful day. . . . . . so I didn't get up yesterday morning and go to yoga my body was just really tired so I slept in.......also decided yoga twice a day with my schedule probably isn't the best idea, because then when I go to bed at night I forget to set my alarm and I screw everything up.......I also remembered I'm doing a mud run in a little over a month that I need to start training for so yoga once a day 7 days a week and training for my mud run 6 days a week, I got this!  OKAY so school yesterday put me in a sour sour mood and sent my anxiety levels through the roof.....which I typically don't get anxious and I think when I used to I would calm it with a smoke and a roxy tonic/beer/glass of you all know I have quit both of those for the next 30 days well smoking forever, but anyway needless to say I dealt with my anxiety the best I knew how to without my 2 vices and went on with my day, mentally exhausting by the way having that inner battle of should I smoke?????  surely one would be okay no one will know but then I have to buy the whole pack......temptation.......nope I won't do the way I had a dream the other night that had a giant bottle of vodka in it you know those oversized grey goose bottles you sometimes see......yeah always nice to dream about. sorry side note. When I went to yoga yesterday I was tired I didn't feel like being there and I just could not focus, my mind kept wondering and chatting up a little storm in my head silencing her was pretty much impossible. When I was lying on floor finished with class the thought came into my head again.......I really want a cigarette.......UGH!!  SERIOUSLY GO AWAY!!!!  Needless to say I've been singing at the top of my lungs in my car when I'm driving helps relieve the stress a bit. gotta run to school but will write more later I still have lots to say.
Anxiety.......felt it when I stopped to get gas this morning, it must be my lucky day the esthetician's at our school did an energy cleanse on us so I feel much better and I got to cleanse them which was pretty fricken awesome, have you ever actually felt someone elses energy?  It's like nothing I've ever experienced I've felt my own equally amazing just being able to tap into that is amazing in itself.  
Turns out that there are no yoga classes anywhere tonight after I get off work so I will settle for going to the gym and train for my mud run and restart my 30 days tomorrow. Rollin with the punches it's not the end of the world, it didn't break me, I'm still alive and I'm okay :)

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